Do you remember that scene in Finding Nemo when Nemo and his fishy friends try to escape the dentist’s office and things go horrible, horribly wrong?

Now, I don’t know about you, but watching that had me on the edge of my seat hoping he would make it back into the ocean, where he belongs, in one piece.

Luckily, not all fish need as elaborate a plan…

In conjunction with the Environment Resources Management Association, The Fluvarium receives salmon eggs every year from the Salmon Association of Eastern Newfoundland.  We have the privilege of taking care of them and watching them grow until they’re ready to leave the nest.

And guess what!?  Their time is coming soon!

These little ones are now in the 3rd stage of their life cycle, and we call them Fry!  Once the sun is upon us full-time (typically sometime in June), these little ones will be ready to conquer the freshwater world!

We need YOUR HELP, though, because our freshwater friends can’t do it alone, and neither can we!

Between now and April 30th, come visit us at The Fluvarium to adopt a salmon!  Adopting a salmon is free when you pay admission, so come visit us and you’ll walk away with an adoption certificate and the opportunity to release your fish into its natural habitat come June.

I’ll be naming mine after my sweet little nephew, Yaseen.  What will you name yours?!  Let us know in the comments on Facebook!


-Karina at The Fluvarium


**Finding Nemo is a Trademark of Disney